Our Studio
In order to achieve the perfect sound for your recording it's imperative to have the very best mastering facilities. Over 25 years at 360 we've assembled an extensive range of the world's finest analogue and digital equipment.

We have always given equipment and installation quality the highest priority and with our relocated facility we have created a technically and aesthetically brilliant mastering studio.
Primarily an analogue environment (Maselec, Dangerous, Fairman, Manley, Summit) with associated digital elements (Weiss, Dangerous, TC Electronic, Prism Sound, Antelope) and with the awesome PMC MB2 XBD-A main monitors at its heart, it has an accurate, fully developed and no-nonsense sound, essential for the all important mastering processes and techniques of today.
Created with the incredible PMC-MB2S-XBD-A active monitoring system at its heart, our mastering studio is a no-compromise professional audio environment with a fully developed, accurate and revealing sound, essential for making critical tonal assessments during the mastering process.
Highest quality playback is the important first step in the mastering process and all our digital sources are played via world class digital convertors and reference clocks.

The Maselec MTC-2 – the console and monitor controller of choice in mastering studios around the world – takes perfect care of the analogue signal control and interfacing, and we can choose from our extensive range of analogue and digital hardware to make any necessary corrections or enhancements, and shape the sound and feel of your music to enable it to reach its full sonic potential.
Once inside the Sadie 6 mastering workstation, any editing or track sequencing is handled digitally, along with preparation of master formats, from WAV digital album masters and mp3s to fully prepared CD masters and cutting-ready vinyl files, we are also an approved Mastered For iTunes provider.
We can supply a variety of masters in a variety of ways.
Serious Mastering Requires Serious Hardware
Get in Touch
To work with us please either call us on 020 7385 6161, email studio@360mastering.co.uk or complete the online enquiry form on our contact page.